Peak reflector for mac viper
Peak reflector for mac viper

peak reflector for mac viper

They give you an idea of what could happen with colour. Here a swatch book and samples of the colours used in the set design and costume come in very handy. Colour choice is often a problem for designers at times.

peak reflector for mac viper

Believe it or not a badly focussed light can make a difference to what the audience interprets.A badly focussed light can be like a picture totally out of focussed, it is not controlled properly. If you are not happy with what a lantern is doing, change it or move it. Some people might find that you are being picky with the shutter cut, or the beam peak but if the result looks great so be it. So when you have production meeting try and get as much time as possible for the focus. We all know that focussing is a time consuming process of moving ladders etc around a set that is being built. To me good lighting is the result of the focussing process. There will be occasions when light might hit the audience, but try and work around that problem by moving the light to another location. If you do need to see them you can use house lights or specifically you can light them. The audience are not part of what is happening on the stage in most productions. I carefully shape and craft the beam of light making sure that it does not spill on something that I do not want illuminated.And particular I try to avoid lighting is the audience. Often as I carefully focus my lights I contemplate why it seems that others do not take such care. Or at the least no longer buy from them, then they may go away. There are a few companies in Australia that sell some of these copies, maybe we need to out them. So buy original, it may cost more but you will have the back up and service. Often the workers in these factories that manufacture these copies work under the most appalling conditions. Or this Source 4 copy:Īlso buying from some of these companies is like supporting slave labour. It looks like a Pearl, they may have even stolen the image. Ok maybe I am wrong in pointing you to these companies, but you need to see what they are doing. Here is another company that makes a whole range of copied equipment, they are called Dortron Show Technology. A company under the name of Made in China.Com They think they are so far above the law that they do not even change the name.

peak reflector for mac viper

Here is a link to one of the companies that is blatantly ripping off an original manufacturer. They can sometimes get the info they need also from patent information. Well what these companies do is purchase or steal a piece of equipment and then take it to bits and duplicate. So how does this happen? Reverse engineering is the process, we have all heard this term before. Once they have finished laughing you are going to be sent on your way with the fixture still broken. Then it breaks and you decide to take it to the local dealer to get fixed under warranty. If you bought a supposed name brand really cheap, surely in your own mind you would have thought sonething was not right. So the price is cheap, but is the saving worth it? Me thinks not when this unit fails before warranty and you want action. Is the company in this country like to service the equipment, if they are still around. Are you likely to freight the gear back to an address in a foriegn copmany because you bought it online. Buying these rip offs is also going to bite you back one day, try getting warranty work done. It makes you wonder how much money these companies are losing to these rip off copy companies. If the end result is that people are more aware of what they are buying and are supporting the companies that originally spent the R & D time developing these products. It looks like at least one company is going to stand up against this insideous practise of these companies and the end users. I originally wrote an article on this blog about chinese copies damaging the industry. This is not just limited to Moving lights, there is also a lot of dodgy copies of Source 4’s, lighting consoles and the like. For to long there has been available fakes of a lot of main stream lighting company products available. Thanks to CX Magazine and Julius it was brought to my attention that Clay Paky are going to take action against users of fake Sharpy beam lights.

Peak reflector for mac viper